Monday, February 13, 2012

All My Life..

                                                All my life                                            
    I've been waiting 
                        for this kind of love,                      
     you  gave  it  all  to  me.  
         You've  opened my eyes     
     &  showed me how to love
                             u n c o n d i t i o n a l l y ...                         
     Dream that I've dreamed 
          a thousand times before      
    that i will love you more 
                    and  give you my heart                  
    until the end of time. 
   Because you're 
   my soul 
  my life 
  my heart
   my only love

All my life

is yours..


Image credit:


  1. Awww....such a wonderful poem....I LOVED it!!
    It seems that this poem is dedicated to someone SPECIAL ;) Lucky Guy..ha..ha!
    So romantic poem!! Beautiful... xox

    Keep Smiling
    Loads Of Love and Have a lovely day!

    1. Hi there Hisila! :) Thank you so much for coming! :) You're right, this is for SOMEONE SPECIAL.. hehehe I just hope he knew that,,hahaha.. just kidding.. Ofcourse this is for all the lovers out there! Hmmmm ,, it can be for you too..:)

      Muaaahhh!!! Hug and kisses..:)

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Kate!:) Thanks for visiting..:) Blessed day to you! :)

  3. The first time I became acquainted with you here on Blogger, I was always impressed by the shape poetry you presented us with. This is another lovely example of that and the poem is beautiful! Lovely song to accompany it! Thanks for sharing with us, Sweet Sagi {|:-) Love & hugs!

    1. Thanks too Princesa Fiona..:) I'm glad you find it impressive, but for me, not that much..hehehe.. I just love shaping words sometimes when burning time here, LOL..:))

      Thank you so much for always inspiring us..:) God bless you and your health always Princesa Fiona..:) Hug and kisses..:) Keep smiling..:)

  4. A beautiful shapely poetry you have presented here. *Wonderful*

    1. Thanks a lot Sui..:) Wonderful evening to you! :)

  5. WoW! So beautiful. I like the romantic words and shape. You're gifted! Keep writing! :)

  6. Wow! So beautiful. I love the romantic words and the shape. You're gifted! Keep writing! :)

    1. Thank you so much Balqis..:) Gifted? but not a gifted child right??? Weeehhh... hahaha.. just kidding..:))

      Thanks a lot!:) Great evening..:)

  7. Wonderful work...It's like magic in words...:)

  8. beautiful script and lively love :)

  9. I've never been crazy about poetry that doesn't rhyme, but those words are all so meaningful and sound really sincere. :) I like it!

  10. Hello Sagittarian.
    WoW! You have really expanded your creativity with all this shape poetry. I know it can't be easy, but you make it look so.
    I hope whoever has captured your heart knows how very fortunate he is (smile).
    First time hearing the song. Beautiful sentiments.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Sorry I have not been around to visit much. I have been working 9 days straight without a break, so I'm trying to catch up now with my favorite friends. BTW, love that sparkly award of different & unique. Not seen one like that before...wonder where it came from? LOL! <3

    A Cheerful Glance

    1. Hi, thanks for coming! Yap i love this sparkling award here!:) Thanks for sharing!:)


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